About Us
About Us
Milne House Garden Club was founded April 11, 1967, and was named to perpetuate the historical association of the Edwards Gardens area with Alexander Milne, the original owner of the property which was part of a five hundred acre Crown Land Grant given in the early 1800’s. The Milne House, built on the brow of the hill close to Lawrence Avenue, was destroyed by fire in 1964, and has been replaced by a tea house erected on the old foundation. For over 50 years the club has been home to enthusiastic members who share a love of floral design, horticulture and environmental issues. Milne House Garden Club is a not for profit organization. It’s goals are: to stimulate a knowledge of horticulture and floral design among amateurs•to aid in the protection of native plants, trees, birds, soil•to encourage civic planting
Milne House Garden Club is located in the Toronto Botanical Garden centre, 777 Lawrence Ave.East in Toronto. Meetings take place in the Floral Hall. The club meet 9 times per year (NOT in December, July and August) on the third Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. Members and guests enjoy speakers, demonstrations, monthly flower shows, photography and craft exhibits.
- Workshops and demonstrations in horticulture and floral design.
- Field trips to destinations that provide members with great gardening experiences.
- Monthly and annual flower shows judged by accredited judges. Many Milne House club members arealsoaccredited judges.Several are instructors of classes and workshops presented at the Toronto Botanical Gardens
- Membership in Garden Clubs of Ontario and other societies.
- WAFA (World Association of Flower Arrangers)
- Craft Group…meets Thursdays to make crafts to be sold at meetings and other events.
- Support of projects of Toronto Botanical Garden (e.g. Get the Jump on Spring).
- Participation in Canada Blooms.
- Christmas with Milne House…an annual major fundraising event to support the *Living Winter Programme* of the Toronto Botanical Garden. This programme “provides a free full-day program, transportation and snacks to Grade Four students from November to February. Curriculum-linked habitat programs highlight immersion and hands-on learning through outdoor explorations.”