Events & Speakers
Events & Speakers
Our garden events consist of...
- Workshops in horticulture and floral design
- Flower shows are open to the public
- Volunteer and financial supporting activities and projects of the Toronto Botanical Garden
- Several of the members are instructors of class and workshops presented at the Toronto Botanical Gardens as well as being accredited who are constantly in demand at many horticultural and flower shows.
- Field trips are taken to destinations that provide members with great garden experiences
- Monthly and annual flower shows are judged by accredited judges. Many Milne House club members are also accredited judges. Several are instructors of classes and workshops presented at the Toronto Botanical Gardens
- Membership in Garden Clubs of Ontario and other societies.
- WAFA (World Association of Flower Arrangers)
- Craft Group…meets Thursdays to make crafts to be sold at meetings and other events.
- Support of projects of Toronto Botanical Garden (e.g. Get the Jump on Spring).
- Participation in Canada Blooms.
- Christmas with Milne House…an annual major fundraising event to support the “Living Winter Programme” of the Toronto Botanical Garden. This programme provides a free full-day program, transportation and snacks to Grade Four students from November to February. Curriculum-linked habitat programs highlight immersion and hands-on learning through outdoor explorations.”

Our Speakers for 2023
January 16, 2024: “Changing from Perennial to Pollinator Garden” with Roger Gettig: Director of Horticulture, TBG |
February 20, 2024: “Little Known English Gardens” with Joanna Blanchard |
March 19, 2024: “Celebration” with Pat Ware (Floral Design) |
April 16, 2024: “Caring for a Garden to Raise Monarch Butterflies” with Edawin Lefrancois and Carmen Orlandis |
May 16, 2024: No Presentation – Annual Show |
June 18, 2024: No Presentation – AGM and Lunch |
September 17, 2024: “Ikebana” with Aya Sugino (Floral Design) |
October 15, 2024: “Houseplant Hibernation: bringing house plants in for the winter” with Daryll Cheng |
November 19, 2024: No Presentation – Christmas Lunch |